Thursday, July 28, 2022

Why Tamilnadu needs to thank Jayalalithaa for TASMAC||#tasmac #gujaratho...

Why Tamilnadu needs to thank Jayalalithaa on TASMAC:

Hi Friends, welcome to our channel. Well, this is a short video on the recent hooch tragedy in Gujarat. Some 40 people have lost their lives. In this connection, we also want to look at the steps that the former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa took to circumvent such happenings way back in 2004 itself. Although boozing/drinking is not a good practice, lives are also important. In this connection, we need to look at her actions also and why we feel Gujarat needs to do a re-think on Prohibition and why we feel Annamalai himself may not have a complete solution to implement Prohibition. In this Gujarat Hooch tragedy also, the bootleggers may get arrested and go to jail, but can it solve the problem? We are not supporting drinking. However, on the whole, drinking is not considered a seriously bad thing. In the Society itself people have started accepting social drinking as a common practice. Hence, implementing prohibition is easier said than done. Some 50 years ago, people who smoke or drink were looked upon, but now it is no longer a big taboo. However one problem in Tamilnadu is that boozing is not a common practice and people are sometimes becoming alcoholics. This should be curbed. If Tamilnadu Government tries to implement prohibition, then it would only spawn illicit brewing resulting in more deaths like what we saw in Gujarat hooch tragedy. There was also a similar tragedy in Punjab early last year when over 50 people lost their lives. People who are generally drinking more are those in the lower strata of society. For them, booze is a pain reliever where they drink at night and go to sleep. For the reason to remove illicit brewing, Jayalalithaa brought in TASMAC to brew legally and market it at it's outlets so that people can have quality(!) booze. This certainly has prevented people dying from consuming hooch. Karunanidhi took Jayalalithaa's efforts further and opened more TASMAC outlets all over the state. Now TASMAC is the biggest revenue generator for the Government. If TASMAC were not there, we can expect more illicit brewing resulting in hooch tragedies. We feel that prohibition is a failure in Gujarat itself. Hence, with boozing not considered a major social evil, we feel all states may need to a re-think on prohibition. They can preach prohibition right from school. Else, if they close liquor shops down and implement prohibition, it is only going to result in deaths. We feel better sense would prevail on states that are trying to implement prohibition. Again, we are not stressing that drinking is good, we are only stressing on the futility of implementing prohibition without changing the society as a whole. We hope you liked this video. Please share and subscribe.

#Jayalalithaa #BJP #Gujarathoochtragedy #Annamalai

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